Flags Flown by Stone Town Council
Flags are flown by the Town Council on the flag pole at the top of the High Street.
The flag pole in Stonefield Park is the responsibility of Stafford Borough Council.
Organisations or individuals may ask the Town Clerk for other flags to be flown on specific occasions. If permission is granted, such flags must be provided by the organisations or individuals concerned, be of adequate quality and size, and not be of a commercial or political nature.
Here are the flags you can see flying during the year:

Flown on the King’s Birthday, the King’s Official Birthday, Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day and on other days as appropriate.

Flown on St George’s Day.

Flown whenever no other flag is being flown.

Flown on Merchant Navy Day. (Commemorates the sacrifices of the Merchant Navy over many years but particularly during World Wars I and II.)

Flown when appropriate (Commemorates the links between Stone and the RAF, particularly during the days of 16MU Stafford, RAF Hixon and RAF Meir, and which continues today with the RAF Tactical Supply Wing at MoD Stafford.)

Flown on Armed Forces Day.

Flown when HMS Collingwood exercises its freedom of Stafford Borough and on other days as appropriate. (HMS Collingwood’s freedom stems from Stone’s connection with the Royal Navy through Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Jervis, Earl of St Vincent, born at Meaford and buried in the mausoleum in St Michael’s and St Wulfad’s church.)

Flown on Commonwealth Day.

Flown on the anniversary of Texas winning its independence from Mexico in 1836, on US Independence Day ,and on the anniversary of Texas being admitted to the United States in 1845. (Stone is the twin city of Carthage , Texas, making the people of Stone honorary Texans. This privilege was granted by Carthage in recognition of the kindness shown by the people of Stone to the US airmen at the depot at Yarnfield during World War II)

Flown on Italian Republic Day (Stone has a ‘friendship twinning’ with the town of Bagnacavallo in northern Italy).