Town Mayor 2024-25
Councillor Philip Leason MBE JP
Philip Leason was “born and bred” in Stone and represents the Christchurch Ward on the Town Council and the Christchurch and St. Michael’s Ward on Stafford Borough Council. He was Stone Town Mayor in 1987-88 and again in 2007-08. In 2011/12 he was Deputy Mayor of Stafford and in 2022/23 the Mayor of Stafford Borough.
In 2022 he retired as a magistrate having served for 36 years sitting in both the criminal and family courts as is now on the Supplementary List.
He was awarded an M.B.E. in 2016 for services to Royal Mail and the Community of Stone.
Philip is an active member of a number of organisations in Stone and is a keen local historian.
Both Philip and his wife Edith enjoy travelling and learning about other countries and their culture. As a Rotarian, Philip has visited India on 5 occasions to help with the polio eradication programme.
Philip feels honoured to be appointed Town Mayor again and both he and Edith look forward to representing Stone, supporting community groups, local charities and businesses and promoting the town.
Edith was born in Stone and after attending primary school went to Howells School in Denbigh. On leaving school she studied catering and after several roles with catering companies went to work for Staffordshire Fire Brigade as Catering Officer. She later went and moved into admin working in several fire stations, latterly at Longton.
She is a keen member of the Girl Guiding and recently completed 50 years’ service in the movement. As a member of the Olave Baden Powell Society she has visited Guide and Girl Scouts overseas including New Zealand, India, Finland, Iceland, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Edith is involved with various activities at her local church, St. Michael & St. Wulfad’s Church in Stone, including “open door” and a weekly religious service at Summerfield Court.
To contact the Mayor please call: 01785 619743 or email:
Town Mayor’s Reports
The Mayor’s Charity
The Mayor’s chosen charity is Stone Community First Responders.
To find out about the work of the charity and how you can make a donation please click on the images here.
All proceeds raised are distributed at the end of the Mayoral year.
Deputy Mayor
The Deputy Mayor of Stone for the year 2024-25 is Councillor Jason Metters.

Mayor’s Chaplain
The Mayor’s Chaplain is chosen by the Town Mayor and is appointed at the Annual Council meeting in May each year. The role includes leading prayers before Council meetings and participating in civic ceremonies.
The Mayor’s Chaplain is Reverend Jim Cartlidge of St Michael and & St Wulfad’s Church.