Town Council Meetings
General Information
Town Council meetings are mostly held on Tuesday evenings and begin at 7:00pm.
The Town Council holds or arranges four types of meeting during the course of the municipal year (running from 1 April to 31 March).
Ordinary Meetings are the normal routine meetings of the Council, its Committees and Sub-Committees which deal with a full range of day to day business matters.
Extraordinary Meetings or Special Meetings as the Town Council usually call them, are meetings arranged outside the normal meeting schedule to consider specific topics or issues that have arisen, sometimes at short notice. The agenda format for these meetings is different in that it doesn’t usually contain the routine and standard items that are listed for consideration at ordinary meetings.
The Annual Meeting is a meeting which must by law be held in the month of May. The Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor are appointed at this meeting.
The Town Council also sets the date for the Annual Public Meeting which is a meeting for town electors and is usually called by the Chairman of the Council each year between 1 March and 1 June.
Click here for the Annual Public Meeting Procedure Guide and Town Mayor’s Report 2019
(the most recent report written, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic)
Click here for the Town Council’s Meeting Schedule for 2024-25
Committees and Sub-Committees
The Town Council currently operates two committees, a General Purposes Committee and a Planning Consultative Committee, as well as four Sub-Committees (whose parent committee is the General Purposes Committee).
All Councillors are currently members of the General Purposes Committee and Planning Consultative Committee. The membership of these committees, including the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen, is determined at the Town Council’s Annual Meeting in May.
Membership of the sub-committees, including the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen, are appointed annually at the General Purposes Committee in May.
The sub committees consist of seven members, or any other number as determined by the General Purposes Committee, drawn from the membership of the Town Council. In addition, the Town Mayor and the Chairman of the General Purposes Committee are ex-officio members of all committees and sub-committees as set out in Standing Orders.
Both committees and sub-committees appoint working groups which confirm their membership annually at the first meeting of each committee or sub-committee, after the General Purposes Committee in May.
Click here for the Terms of Reference for each of the Town Council’s Committees and Sub-Committees.
Further details on the committees and sub-committees are below:
General Purposes Committee
Main responsibilities: To consider policy issues in relation to, and to scrutinise the operation of, all aspects of Council work which can be legally delegated by the Council.
Membership: All Members
Chairman: Councillor R. Kenney
Vice Chairman: Councillor I. Fordham
Steering Groups: Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, Stone Heritage Centre Steering Group (see details below)
Working Groups:
- Engagement with Young People Working Group (Membership: Councillors: J. Battrick, A. Best, K. Dawson, J. Metters and J. Powell)
Planning Consultative Committee
Main responsibilities: To consider planning applications within the Town Council area and make comments to Stafford Borough appropriately, and to consider policy issues in relation to planning applications.
Membership: All Members
Chairman: Councillor T. Kelt
Vice Chairman: Councillor C. Thornicroft
Working Groups: None
Environment Sub-Committee
Main Responsibilities: To consider policy issues in relation to, and to scrutinise the operation of, environmental services provided by the Town Council and to make recommendations to the General Purposes Committee accordingly.
Membership: Councillors: R. Townsend (Chairman), T. Kelt (Vice Chairman), J. Battrick, A. Burgess, B. Kenney, J. Metters, J. Powell, N. Powell and C. Thornicroft
Working Groups:
- Environmental Working Group (Membership: All Members of the Environment Sub-Committee).
Estates Sub-Committee
Main Responsibilities: To consider policy issues in relation to, and to scrutinise the operation of, the physical building and infrastructure assets provided by the Town Council and to make recommendations to the General Purposes Committee accordingly.
Membership: Councillors: A. Best (Chairman), J. Powell (Vice Chairman), J. Battrick, L. Davies, I. Fordham, J. Hood, A. Mottershead, N. Powell and C. Thornicroft.
Working Groups: None
Tourism & Town Promotion Sub-Committee
Main Responsibilities: To consider policy issues in relation to, and to scrutinise the operation of, tourism and town promotion services provided by the Town Council and to make recommendations to the General Purposes Committee accordingly.
Membership: Councillors: Councillor Mrs J. Hood (Chairman), A. Mottershead (Vice Chairman), A. Best, A. Burgess, J. Davies, L. Davies, K. Dawson, B. Kenney and J. Powell. Co-opted Member: Mr J. Cook.
Working Groups:
- Remembrance Plaques Working Group (Membership: Councillors: J. Davies, L. Davies (Co-ordinator) and P. Leason).
- Market Strategy Working Group (Membership: J. Davies, J. Hood (Co-ordinator), R. Kenney, A. Mottershead and C. Thornicroft. Also J. Cook (Co-opted Member))
- Friendship Agreement Working Group (Membership: Councillors: J. Davies (Co-ordinator), L. Davies, J. Hood, J. Metters and R. Townsend)
- VE Day Working Group (Membership: Councillors: J. Davies (Co-ordinator), L. Davies and J. Hood)
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
Main Responsibilities: To oversee the preparation of the the Council’s Neighbourhood Plan, and to make recommendations to the General Purpose’s Committee accordingly.
Membership: Councillors: No Members appointed.
Working Groups: None
Stone Heritage Centre Steering Group
Main Responsibilities: To develop the internal layout of the Heritage Centre and to determine the future use of the Heritage Centre.
Membership: Councillors: J. Davies, J. Hood, R. Kenney (Chairman), P. Leason (Vice Chairman), Mr S. Nuttall (Co-opted Member), S. Booth (Co-opted Member), T. Cockin (Co-opted member), H. Frost (Co-opted member).
Working Groups: None
Mayor’s Charity Sub-Committee
Main Responsibilities: To support the Town Mayor in determining appropriate Charites, raising funds and distributing those funds to the chosen charities.
Membership: Councillors: P. Leason (Chairman), J. Metters (Vice Chairman), J. Davies, L. Davies, I. Fordham, T. Kelt, R. Kenney, R. Townsend and J. Powell.
Working Groups: None
Charity Trusts
The Town Council administers the following charity trusts:
Town Hall Charity Trust
Work and Aims: The Town Hall Charity was created when the old Town Hall was sold and a number of other town charities were combined. A proportion of the proceeds of the sale was put towards the purchase of the Frank Jordan Centre and the remaining balance has increased in value over the years following its investment and regular receipt of dividends. The fund can only be spent for charitable purposes on items (goods and services) that would benefit the people of the town and surrounding areas.
Membership: All Councillors are Trustees
Richard Vernon Trust
Work and Aims: This trust was established in 1961 to finance the provision and maintenance of seats in public places.
Membership: The scheme provides for the appointment of three trustees by the Council for a period of four years each. Trustees can, but need not, be members of the Council and can be re-appointed for a second or subsequent term.
Members: J. Davies, P. Leason and J. Powell (to 2027)
Three Members serve for a four year term. Any member appointed as a trustee that subsequently loses or resigns their seat on the Council would continue to be a trustee until the end of their four year term unless they made a personal decision to resign.
Representatives to Outside Bodies
Town Councillors are appointed as representatives on the management committees of a number of outside organisations including community groups and charities. Appointments are made at the General Purposes Committee meeting in May.
Stone ATC
Councillors: Town Mayor and J. Davies
(Mayor plus 1 member)
Age Concern Stone & District
Councillor: J. Davies and C. Thornicroft
(Two members)
Stafford & Stone Access Group
Councillor T. Kelt
(One Member)
Trustees of the Town Hall Charity
All Councillors
Stone Community Hub Group
Councillors: J. Battrick, J. Powell and R. Townsend
Stone Area Parish Liaison Group
Councillor J. Davies
West Midlands Railway and other rail matters
Councillor T. Kelt
NOTE: Current membership of the following bodies will continue until the stated dates, or until retirement by an individual member, even if the member ceases to be members of the Council.
Stone Common Plot Trustees
Councillor C. Thornicroft (to May 2026)
Councillors: A. Burgess, J. Hood, T. Kelt and R. Townsend (to May 2027)
(Each Member serves for a four year term)
Richard Vernon Trust
Members: J. Davies, P. Leason, J. Powell (all members terms run to 2027)
(Each member serves for a four year term)
SPCA Executive Committee
T. Kelt (to December 2025)
(One Member is elected for a two year term)
Standing Orders
The Town Council annually reviews and adopts Standing Orders to regulate its business and proceedings.
The most recent version was adopted on 6 February 2024. Click here for further details: Standing Orders.
Public Participation Scheme
Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings of the Council as observers and/or to make representations in accordance with the Council’s scheme of public participation.
NOTE: Due to the pending by-election for the Stonefield and Christchurch Ward, the Town Council’s Public Participation Scheme is currently suspended.
Click here for the Public Participation Scheme
The details are also displayed on the Council’s notice boards in town.