PRESS RELEASE – Covid 19 Commemorative Orchard Opening Ceremony

Covid 19 Commemorative Orchard Opening Ceremony
Covid 19 had a severe impact on our local community, particularly in respect of education, health and the economy.
Stone Town Council has created a Covid 19 Commemorative Orchard within Crown Meadow, consisting of a bench and six cherry trees, where residents can remember the impact of the pandemic on our area, reflect on those who worked tirelessly for others, and remember those who sadly lost their lives.
Stone Town Mayor, Councillor Jim Davies, will hold a short ceremony to open the Orchard on Tuesday 10th October 2023 at 5.45pm. The opening will include the unveiling of a commemorative plaque and a dedication and blessing by the Mayor’s Chaplain, Reverend Jim Cartlidge.
Representatives from schools, care homes and doctors’ surgeries in the Stone area have been invited to attend the ceremony alongside members of the Council. The Town Council warmly extends this invitation to any residents who wish to attend.
Those wishing to attend the opening ceremony are asked to meet near to the small car park on Trent Road.
Councillor Robert Townsend, Chairman of the Council’s Environment Sub-Committee said “The Town Council is pleased to be able to provide this dedicated place of rest and reflection for the people of Stone, enabling them to take time to reflect on the severe impact the pandemic had on the local community and all the good work undertaken during that time, as well as on the lives that were lost.”
02 October 2023
Les Trigg
Town Clerk
Stone Town Council
Telephone: 01785-619740