The Office of Mayor
Role of Town Mayor
The ancient office of Mayor dates back to the days when Mayors had much wider authority than they do today. The position is now a Civic role with the exception of chairing Council meetings.
The importance of the position however continues to be widely recognised and remains the highest office that the citizens of the town, through their elected representatives, can confer.
The role of Town Mayor is distinct from that of Councillor and the Mayor carries out the role in a non political manner. Each Mayor will adopt their own personal approach, establishing their priorities and interests.
The Town Mayor, or in his or her absence the Deputy Mayor, has the following roles or functions:
- To uphold and promote the purposes of the Council’s constitution
- To preside over Council meetings so that business can be carried out efficiently and with regards to the rights of Councillors and the interests of the community
- To ensure the Council meeting is a forum for the debate of matters of concern to the local community
- To promote public involvement in the Council’s activities
- To attend civic and ceremonial functions as the Council and Mayor determine is appropriate
- To act as ex officio members of all Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Groups
The Annual Meeting
The Town Mayor is elected by full Council at the Annual Meeting held in May, and serves for one year.
The Annual Meeting takes place in the Council Chamber at 15 Station Road, Stone, and the ceremony follows a set format with the Mayor’s appointment being the first item of business on the agenda.
During the appointment, the new Town Mayor will receive the Chain of Office from the Retiring Town Mayor and sign a declaration of Acceptance of Office. The new Mayor will announce the name of the person who will act as Consort and bestow on them their badge of Office.
The Town Mayor will announce the name of the person who will act as Town Mayor’s Chaplain and will address the Council.
The Deputy Town Mayor is also appointed at the Annual Meeting. The Town Mayor will bestow upon them the Deputy Town Mayor’s Medallion.
The newly elected Deputy Town Mayor will sign the declaration of office, address the Council and announce the name of the person who will act as the Deputy Town Mayor’s Consort.
The Deputy Mayor will invite their Consort to receive the Deputy Town Mayor’s Consorts’ Medallion.
The Town Council’s appreciation of the services of the retiring Mayoral Team are recorded and the retiring Town Mayor will be invited to receive a Past Town Mayor’s Badge from the new Town Mayor and the retiring Deputy Town Mayor will be invited to receive a Past Deputy Town Mayor’s Badge from the retiring Town Mayor.
Civic Regalia
The Mayoral Chain is a valuable historic item. It is usually worn by the Mayor for civic engagements within the town of Stone.
The George V yellow gold ceremonial badge medallion is known as the ‘Mayoral Badge of Office – Urban District Council of Stone’.
The central shield section incorporates an enamelled Arms of Stone depicting an inverted white chevron enclosing two black lozenges symbolising the North and South Staffordshire Coalfields divided by a black and white Stafford Knot.
The left hand upper black section depicting a wheat sheaf symbolising the importance of agriculture to the town, the right hand upper black section depicting a beer barrel representing the brewing industry; the lower black section depicting a crossed bradawl and awl signifying the local craft of shoemaking.
The shield surmounted by an applied white enamelled crest of a winged horse rising from a
crest coronet and grasping a black lozenge in its front hooves and is apparently taken from the Arms of Earl St Vincent, one of Stone’s famous personalities; the central shield above an applied black and white enamelled banner proclaiming the Latin motto ‘SIT SAXUM F1RMUM’
(translating to ‘Let the stone be firm).
For engagements outside of Stone, the badge and ribbon must be worn, unless prior permission has been granted by the Borough or District Council within which the event will take place.